Hamilton Businesses Walk off the Blues


Step Up Your Mood: The Top Walking Exercise for Depression in Business Owners

Walking exercise holds untapped potential for alleviating depression, particularly through the “walking exercise for treating and managing depression well in business owners” approach. Mental health has been the buzzword since COVID-19 reached our shores, so I’m throwing my 10 cents worth in. You might not call it depression but boredom and doldrums can be part of business. You can’t keep upbeat and motivated all the time. This article introduces you to this natural antidepressant, detailing how incorporating walking into your daily routine can lift your spirits and boost your mental health. We all know it’s “use it or lose it”, and you’re probably at the stage where your work isn’t physically taxing, so you need to start looking after your body, or else you’ll be a mess when you retire. With targeted advice for the entrepreneur’s schedule, you’ll find a viable strategy that fits into your workday, turning walks into a cornerstone of your well-being, not a scheduling burden.

Key Takeaways

  • Walking regularly is a potent tool for improving mental health and reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety, a simple practice that can lead to increased feelings of contentment and calm.
  • Integrating walking into a busy schedule can be seamless; even short 10-minute walks have substantial benefits, and goal setting alongside tracking progress with apps can enhance consistency and motivation.
  • Combining walking with mindfulness and social networking allows business owners to elevate mental health benefits, alleviate stress, and create supportive communities for sustained well-being.
  • It is simple: no great skill is required, and not a bunch of expensive equipment is needed; you can do it anywhere, anytime.

The Power of Walking for Mental Health

Walking, often underestimated as a form of physical exertion, carries an exceptional advantage in combatting mental health conditions, including depression and anxiety. Engaging in regular exercise, such as walking, is associated with mitigating symptoms related to persistent mental health disorders and issues. This moderate-intensity activity holds its value not solely through enhancing physical well-being but also by elevating one’s mood and diminishing signs to ease symptoms of psychological disorders. Look at all the groups of people that live the longest, like Okinawans in Japan and Sardinians in Italy; they walk, and they don’t take Uber.

More than just a means for physical fitness, walking serves to fortify one’s mental state. The process entails merely advancing foot after foot. Each step forward acts as progress towards countering depressive states. Such activities yield escalating rewards that lead to increased feelings of joy, alertness, and tranquillity, which are particularly beneficial following episodes of moderate depression marked by dips in mood.

The transformative potential realized from incorporating consistent bouts of moderate-intensity activity into your routine — like strength training or other forms of weight training akin to it — should not be undervalued when striving for better overall health outcomes. Regularly participating in exercises such as lifting weights can significantly enhance mental and bodily health, but forget about gyms and lycra at this stage — walk.

Positive Hormones Released

Engaging in physical activity sets off a cascade of beneficial hormones within your body. A brisk walk catalyzes the secretion of endorphins and serotonin, which are crucial for mood enhancement and stress reduction. The euphoria often referred to as ‘runner’s high’ is attainable through low-intensity exercise and vigorous walking, too! Just look at those out walking — not many are grumpy.

When exercising outside, you reap added rewards from your workout routine. After being jammed up indoors at work, being in the sun during a walk can amplify feelings of happiness, leading to heightened self-esteem and an enhanced sense of well-being overall. So take that step outdoors. Let yourself experience what nature offers — it’s your body’s natural way to boost your mood!

Brain Function Improvement

Walking not only instantly uplifts one’s mood, but it also delivers sustained benefits for mental health. Regular and prolonged walking sessions are essential for business proprietors who rely on sharp focus and a strong memory to manage their daily tasks effectively. Age steals away your faculties, so you want to delay those losses where possible.

There are many advantages to engaging in walking exercises. They include:

  • Minimizing the possibility of cognitive deterioration
  • Decreasing both occurrence and hazard associated with dementia
  • Alleviating symptoms of depression
  • Preventing loss of memory
  • Improving overall mental well-being

Simply adopting a routine that includes walking can bring forth all these significant health benefits. It’s not that big an ask.

The Perfect Walking Routine for Busy Entrepreneurs

Finding time for consistent exercise can seem daunting for entrepreneurs caught up in a whirlwind of activity. Integrating walking into your lifestyle doesn’t require sweeping adjustments or allocating substantial periods of time. A firm dedication to including walking as an indispensable component of your day-to-day activities is necessary. If you think that you are too busy then you better start questioning what you’re doing — did you really get into business to have so little time you can’t look after yourself properly?

Entrepreneurs with demanding schedules can design their walking routines to incorporate brief intervals scattered throughout the day, accommodating their professional commitments. The advantages and benefits of exercise are attainable without dedicating lengthy durations. Just 30 minutes spent on a brisk walk has been shown to enhance mental health significantly. That’s enough time to walk, shower, and have lunch during your lunch hour.

Most buildings have shower facilities, and if they don’t well get one installed, it’s no big deal. You probably spent 10k of extras in a vehicle you don’t use, so get your priorities right.

Finding Time

In the midst of a busy schedule, finding time for physical activity can seem daunting, and if it’s too daunting, then look at what you do and see what you can delegate to free some time. You owe that to yourself. By taking a moment to reflect and reorganize your day, it’s quite possible to identify opportunities for exercise. Implementing practical approaches like walking during breaks or commuting on foot enables you to be active without interrupting your daily work routine.

Blending walking into regular work activities is an effective method for maintaining movement throughout the day. Holding meetings on the go or pacing while on phone calls are ingenious ways to allow you to remain physically active while still engaging with work responsibilities. Get some earphones with a mic and do your calls whilst walking once you’ve stopped the initial puffing. To optimize limited time slots, fitness applications can assist in devising and tracking brisk walking sessions designed for high to moderate-intensity exercise within constrained schedules — enhancing the efficiency with which one utilizes their available moments for physical exertion.

Listening to podcasts and furthering your knowledge keeps your brain alive and keeps you up to date with your business industry or any other topic that takes your fancy. Because walking comes naturally to us, then, you can easily multitask.

Setting Goals

Establishing goals is imperative to sustain a regular walking routine. However, these goals must be specific, measurable, and tailored to your current fitness level to track progress effectively.

Starting a walking routine with small goals and gradually building endurance can bring significant mental and physical health benefits. Here are some tips to help you get started.

  • Set a goal to walk for 30–45 minutes, either continuously or in chunks.
  • Add variety to your walking plans by alternating routes and gradually increasing intensity.
  • Keep the routine engaging and challenging by trying different walking techniques like power walking or interval training.
  • Start parking the car further away, use stairs instead of lifts, and find your old active self again.
  • Remember to celebrate the small wins along the way!

By exercising regularly and following these tips, you can achieve better mental health through walking and improve sleep quality and overall well-being. Who doesn’t want to feel better and sleep better?

Tracking Progress

Monitoring your progress is a critical aspect of preserving motivation. For some is a load of bollocks, and for others, gadgets are all part of the fun. It’s fine either way, and it’s up to you. If it helps — go for it. There are numerous apps and wearable devices that can help you track your progress, such as:

  • Step counters
  • GPS trackers
  • Heart rate monitors
  • Calorie counters

These tools can help you measure your daily activity and track your progress over time.

Apps like MOVES, MapMyRun, and MyFitnessPal track your steps and calories burned and offer visual progress charts. Heart rate monitors during walking can ensure you exercise within your target heart rate zone. Visualizing your progress can provide a sense of achievement and help maintain a consistent routine. If these help you, then go for it — whatever they cost, it will be less than a hospital visit.

Combining Walking with Mindfulness Techniques

Mindfulness is all that goes overseas and in many other cultures. It’s not so much in Aotearoa, but it’s worth a crack to see if it appeals to you.

Incorporating mindfulness into your walking routine elevates it from mere physical exercise to a practice that enhances mental well-being and diminishes stress.

Engaging in mindful walking allows you to attune yourself to the rhythm of your breath, the sensations within your body, and the nuances of your environment. This melding of physical activity with acute awareness offers more profound stress reduction than simple aerobic exercise due to the combined advantages of exercising while practising mindfulness. Such an approach is particularly beneficial for individuals who favour active engagement, as it facilitates mindfulness without necessitating stillness.

Breathing Exercises

Integrating breathing exercises with walking activities provides the combined benefits of physical exercise and reduced stress levels.

Executing a simple deep breathing technique while on a walk involves inhaling thoroughly via the nose to inflate the abdomen, then exhaling through the nose. This can be performed simultaneously as one walks. Utilizing a method where breaths are counted during exercise class — for example, inhaling over five counts and exhaling for an equal duration — assists individuals in establishing a consistent rhythm in their breathing, promoting mindfulness during their exercise routine.

Mindful Observation

Engaging in mindful walking fosters a heightened sense of bodily perceptions and attention to one’s environment, thus intensifying mindfulness practice. The initiation process for such a walk includes:

  1. Engaging in deep breathing exercises
  2. Conducting a body scan to identify any physical sensations or areas of tension
  3. Proceeding at a measured speed that allows concentration on individual sensory experiences, like the motion of feet or sensation of wind

This method aids in cultivating mindfulness.

While partaking in walking with observation, individuals stay cognizant of their emotional reactions towards the environment and fellow pedestrians meet along their path.

Social Support: Walking Groups and Networking

Incorporating social components into your walking routine can enhance motivation and provide additional support. Methods to infuse your walking habit with social interactions include:

  • Becoming a member of a walking group
  • Connecting with coworkers on a stroll
  • Sharing walks with friends or relatives
  • Engaging in walk-based charity events or initiatives
  • Exploring your city or local area through organized walking tours

These communal elements can heighten the mental health advantages associated with regular walks.

Joining Walking Groups

Engaging in communal walking activities provides numerous advantages, such as:

  • Enhanced motivation to maintain regular exercise routines thanks to the encouragement and backing from fellow participants
  • Better mental well-being and a reduction in feelings of solitude or seclusion because of consistent social engagement
  • The creation of community bonds and friendships through walking clubs or gatherings, which serve as pillars for mental health support

Participating in group walks also delivers a feeling of safety and protection that is especially important during evening strolls or when traversing sparsely populated locales.

Networking Opportunities

Engaging in walking offers a unique opportunity for social networking. When friends or work colleagues are involved in setting objectives for walking, it enhances responsibility and promotes a shared commitment towards maintaining regular exercise, thus transforming it into an enjoyable activity undertaken by a group.

Business proprietors can utilize platforms such as “Charity Walks or events” (Like Relay for Life) to merge physical fitness with acts of charity. This allows them to partake in their health and support various philanthropic causes. To ensure that these ambulatory meetings are both physically beneficial and focused on business outcomes, one might consider the following:

  • Establishing clear meeting targets
  • Conversing about corporate issues while on the move
  • Generating new ideas pertinent to the enterprise during the walk
  • Tackling challenges through discussion as you stroll
  • Just doing something you ordinarily wouldn’t

By weaving these techniques into their routine, entrepreneurs can optimize their exercise time by combining business efficiency with the benefits of regular walks.

Overcoming Barriers to Walking Exercise

Even though walking offers countless advantages, maintaining a steady regimen can sometimes prove challenging. Obstacles like time constraints, unfavourable weather conditions, or insufficient motivation may impede our progress. Yet, these obstacles can be overcome with appropriate tactics and a positive attitude.

Time Constraints

Engaging in regular exercise is often hindered by the lack of time. Yet, it’s crucial to acknowledge that even brief spurts of physical activity offer positive effects. Initiating with manageable goals, such as embarking on a five-minute stroll and then incrementally extending the duration and range of vigorous activities, can prove advantageous for those contending with depressive symptoms.

Incorporating walks into one’s routine through multitasking — like trekking to close-by appointments or blending them with socializing opportunities — can significantly enhance productivity for individuals who are pressed for time.

Weather Challenges

The whims of the weather often disrupt our plans for physical activity. We’re in the Waikato, so attuned to rain. A bit of foresight can help us sidestep these obstacles and maintain a regular walking regimen.

To ensure that you stick to your walking workouts regardless of poor weather conditions (get a hat and coat), it’s wise to devise an alternative strategy. This could involve locating indoor tracks where you can walk or investing in a treadmill for your home use. Wearing layered clothing during outdoor strolls is also beneficial. It enables walkers to adjust their attire on the fly as temperatures fluctuate, thus preserving comfort throughout their exercise session.

Success Stories: Business Owners Beating Depression with Walking

True stories can be a powerful source of motivation. Consider the experience of a guy — let’s call him Craig, who embarked on just walking around the block before work.

Spurred by the success of early morning rises, Craig felt compelled to extend his walking to lunchtime, and he was frequently bored with filling a whole hour break up. Walking has played a crucial role in helping him overcome issues pertaining to mental health issues. Now, he relies on walking coupled with meditation as a tool for warding off depression and alleviating anxiety and OCD.


To sum up, research shows that the act of walking stands as an easy-to-access and potent strategy for managing existing mental health problems and staving off depression. For those who are constantly on the go, such as entrepreneurs or individuals aiming to elevate their mood, establishing a consistent regimen of walks can markedly lessen stress hormones and enhance overall mental well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is walking enough exercise for depression?

Indeed, engaging in walking as a form of exercise can be sufficient for mitigating some depression symptoms. It has the potential to elevate mood, enhance mental sharpness, ease depression, and diminish both stress and anxiety levels.

Notably, this research suggests that even a brief, brisk walk lasting just 10 minutes can benefit one’s mental well-being.

What are the physical activities for depressed people?

Engaging in regular aerobic exercises, including activities like running or walking, as well as group exercises, such as participating in a team sport or sports or attending classes at a local leisure centre, can significantly improve one’s mood and help lessen the effects of depression. These improvements may also be seen through everyday practices such as regular walking and cycling.

Incorporating different types of physical activities into your lifestyle, ranging from dynamic running sessions to strength-building weightlifting exercises and competitive sports is equally important in enhancing mental and physical health.

How much should I walk every day?

Initiate your journey towards improved mental health by setting modest objectives, such as embarking on a short five-minute stroll. Progressively enhance the duration and extent of your activity to reap substantial benefits for your mental well-being.

By incrementally expanding these efforts bit by bit, you will quickly notice an impactful difference in your state of mind!

How can I fit walking into my busy schedule?

Seek out brief intervals within your daily routine that could be utilized for walking, such as opting for a walk-and-talk meeting or pacing while on phone calls. Integrating walking into work-related activities can simplify the incorporation of exercise amidst a hectic timetable.

Commence immediately and optimize the use of your time! Don’t you deserve it?

What are some ways I can make my walks more enjoyable?

Enhance the pleasure of your walks by mixing up your pathways, ramping up the intensity, and engaging in mindful observation. Add music, podcasts, whatever.

Doing so will infuse your strolls with an element of fun and captivation.

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Brett Slater🌟slatercoach.com🌟Business Coach

Business Mentor🌞Business Advisor🌟I help small business owners in solving problems and achieving their goals, so they can enjoy a better life.🌙