No Excuses; Get advice
I know the Fastest Way to Achieve Your Goals, but people don’t want to hear it
You are your biggest problem.
The business world would be better if more people could accept this reality.
Solvable problems wouldn’t be blown out of proportion.
Instead of getting jealous, people would get advice.
Most people would rather come up with elaborate rationalizations for why they struggle instead of humbling themselves and asking for help.
The truth lies in the middle — you can figure it out yourself, but why would you when someone else already has?
You could save years of your life by finding someone who’s achieved what you want and asking them for the blueprint.
This was my biggest mistake in my business life. I avoided coaching and mentorship in the name of “saving money,” but would always end up misallocating resources anyway. Instead of learning from the people doing better than me, I’d resent their success and compete with them in my mind.
If you want to advance faster than you can ever imagine, make your life a quest of seeking out people better than you to learn from.
Don’t let your lack of self-esteem or confidence block you from growing.
Rationalizing your flaws is essentially shifting the responsibility away from yourself.
This prevents you from seeing the reality of your situation and strips you of your ability to change your predicament since it implies you’re not in control.
For example, I once spoke to a business mentor on behalf of one of my colleagues. He was struggling in his entrepreneurial journey and was resistant to any form of advice or assistance. I knew that:
“People who aren’t ready to change aren’t aware they have a problem, so they won’t try to fix it.”
think about it.
How to get what you want… Fast!
Acknowledge you’ve got a problem, and then commit to taking action.
The secret to making your transformation happen faster than you can imagine:
Find people with your desired results and ask them to help you reproduce the same.
This means you must learn to swallow your pride.
Find someone whose values you align with.
and stick around them to transform your life faster than you can imagine.
Final thoughts
Most of our problems are self-inflicted. We think we know the answers to things when, in reality, we don’t. Instead of learning from people who are better than us, we get jealous, compete, and rationalize why we aren’t achieving our goals.
This is a sure path to stagnation. If you want to change your results fast, you must change your surroundings. Look for people doing better than you and get them to share their blueprint. This will save you months and maybe years of trial and error, and you’ll reach your desired outcomes in less time.
an Example
Consider a small business owner named Alex. He runs a local café and has struggled to increase foot traffic and revenue. Across the street, another café always seems bustling with customers. Instead of reaching out to the successful café owner, perhaps to discuss marketing strategies or customer service tips, Alex harbours resentment.
He tells himself, “They’re just lucky because they have a better location,” or “They must be cutting corners to attract so many customers.” This kind of rationalization prevents Alex from acknowledging that he might have something to learn from his competitor.
In reality, the other café might be thriving due to innovative marketing techniques or exceptional customer service — aspects Alex could benefit from if he chose to learn rather than resent.
By letting jealousy and competition cloud his judgment, Alex misses the opportunity to grow his business through valuable insights that are right in front of him.
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